Tuesday 4 November 2014

The Sunnah way of Istikhara 2

o Istikhaarah until the day when the verdict will not completely freeze. It is better to Istikhaarah for every day for seven days because it comes in Hadith:
’’یا انس اذا ھممت بامر فاستخر ربک فیۃ سبع مرات ثم انظر الی الذی سبق الی قلبک فان الخیر فیۃ‘‘
It was narrated from some spiritual that:  After reading this prayer ablution and sleep, facing Ka’bah. If you dream of seeing white or green should understand that this is a good thing or if you see black or red then understand that work is bad, you should not do it.
Every Muslim must make it as routine and learn all prayer orally. If you cannot learn then it is ok just read by seeing it.
It is better to Nafils at night because it is a time of concentration. Well there is no restriction of time for prayers in hadith. You can offer prayer at any time. After offering prayers at night and lay by ablution in Qibla direction. Praise Allah after voluntary prayer before Dua. Likeسُبْحَانَ اللّٰہِ وَالْحَمْدُ لِلّٰہِ وَلَا اَلَا اِلَّا اللّٰہُ وَاللّٰہُ اَکْبَِرْ etc and too often read Durood Sharif so prayer gets more chance of acceptance.
Do it several days until the feeling must not get strong one side.
Some says that: This process should do for seven days. It is not necessary to look like a dream. If you dream about it then ask to reliable interpreter about it. In this way, heart will be strong upon doing or not doing a certain work. The characteristic and benefit of this process is that if there would be good in something, it will give contentment and it will ultimately cause things to happen otherwise,

in second situation causes will be diverted or feeling to do something will removed or any other obstacle will come in way etc. Every person must try to do Istikhara by himself and in fact this is the correct way according to Sunnah. Otherwise approach other others to do istikhara, however taking advice from others is the way of Sunnat. After offering he Istikhara prayers a few times, if you do not have a strong feelings towards one side then begin acting in accordance of what appears currently. Allah will decide what would be good.


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